Thursday, May 13, 2010

How hard is it to qualify to be a foster parent?

My husband and I are interested in being foster parents. How hard is it to qualify? We are in TN. Any info or suggestions appreciated.How hard is it to qualify to be a foster parent?
you have to go through a lot to prove you don't need to live on the money you earn background checks and finger prints you have to have an almost perfect life. it takes awhile. I got approved but then moved and no longer could be a part of that.How hard is it to qualify to be a foster parent?
In North Carolina there are classes you have to take and tests to pass in order to become a foster parent. I would contact your local Department of Social Services, they can lead you in the right direction because they are ones who place children in foster care. Good luck, there are so many children who need great foster parents.
I just hope you are qualified in loving and acring for kids and not in it for the money. Kids have suffered enough already without being used and abused any more.

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