Sunday, January 17, 2010

What is the fairest way a parent can discipline all of their children?

I have 6 kids. A boy age 9, a boy age 7, two girls both 5, and two more boys who are 3. They all have to follow the general house rules but obviously the older kids have more responsibilites and such. But I am always worried that we are either being too hard on them or not hard enough.

My question is how do you know whether you should have different consequences for all your kids or have them all the same??What is the fairest way a parent can discipline all of their children?
They should be different according to age and each individuals circumstance. You could take a toy away from a five year old and this could be devastating to them whereas the nine year old probably would not care and just find something else. You need to find something that works for each individual child.What is the fairest way a parent can discipline all of their children?
My children are 5,3,2, and 2 months (but he doesn't count yet lol), but yes they all have responsibilities and even with the small age differences I also have different consequences, I try to be firm with all of them but I usually have to be harder on the smaller two (not like a drill seargent but just let them know what moma say I mean)
All kids are not the same and so the same discipline may not be needed for all of them.However if one does something the other does the same consequences should follow.
Have them kneel down on raw rice.

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