Thursday, December 31, 2009

Can one parent claim head of household and the other claim as a dependent?

I am divorced and my ex husband and I switch every other year claiming our one son as a dependent on our returns. This year he is proposing that I claim our son as a dependent and he claims head of household. Is this allowed?Can one parent claim head of household and the other claim as a dependent?
You don't say who your son lives with. Only the parent he lives with for over half the year can claim head of household. But if your son does live with him for over half the year, then he could claim head of household even if you were allowed to claim him as a dependent.Can one parent claim head of household and the other claim as a dependent?
head of household would mean that you have to have a dependant. So basically one of you claims head of household and has your son as a dependant and one of you claims single. Thats the only way to do it.
no but he has to go single or the two of u and baby claim as 1 hoh
  • makeup school
  • How is parent material responsible for soil development?

    I need to explain how these parent materials (glacial till, glacial beach deposits and a Lacustrine deposit) influence soil formation. Any suggestions on good scholarly journal articles would be much appreaciated.How is parent material responsible for soil development?
    Holocene Soil Development on Till and Outwash Inferred from Lake-Sediment Geochemistry in Michigan and Wisconsin

    Authors: Ewing H.A.1; Nater E.A.2

    Source: Quaternary Research, Volume 57, Number 2, March 2002, pp. 234-243(10)

    Parent material. Few soils weather directly from the underlying rocks. These ';residual'; soils have the same general chemistry as the original rocks. More commonly, soils form in materials that have moved in from elsewhere. Materials may have moved many miles or only a few feet. Windblown ';loess'; is common in the Midwest. It buries ';glacial till'; in many areas. Glacial till is material ground up and moved by a glacier. The material in which soils form is called ';parent material.'; In the lower part of the soils, these materials may be relatively unchanged from when they were deposited by moving water, ice, or wind.

    Sediments along rivers have different textures, depending on whether the stream moves quickly or slowly. Fast-moving water leaves gravel, rocks, and sand. Slow-moving water and lakes leave fine textured material (clay and silt) when sediments in the water settle out.

    Climate. Soils vary, depending on the climate. Temperature and moisture amounts cause different patterns of weathering and leaching. Wind redistributes sand and other particles especially in arid regions. The amount, intensity, timing, and kind of precipitation influence soil formation. Seasonal and daily changes in temperature affect moisture effectiveness, biological activity, rates of chemical reactions, and kinds of vegetation.

    Topography. Slope and aspect affect the moisture and temperature of soil. Steep slopes facing the sun are warmer, just like the south-facing side of a house. Steep soils may be eroded and lose their topsoil as they form. Thus, they may be thinner than the more nearly level soils that receive deposits from areas upslope. Deeper, darker colored soils may be expected on the bottom land.

    Biological factors. Plants, animals, micro-organisms, and humans affect soil formation. Animals and micro-organisms mix soils and form burrows and pores. Plant roots open channels in the soils. Different types of roots have different effects on soils. Grass roots are ';fibrous'; near the soil surface and easily decompose, adding organic matter. Taproots open pathways through dense layers. Micro-organisms affect chemical exchanges between roots and soil. Humans can mix the soil so extensively that the soil material is again considered parent material.

    The native vegetation depends on climate, topography, and biological factors plus many soil factors such as soil density, depth, chemistry, temperature, and moisture. Leaves from plants fall to the surface and decompose on the soil. Organisms decompose these leaves and mix them with the upper part of the soil. Trees and shrubs have large roots that may grow to considerable depths.

    Time. Time for all these factors to interact with the soil is also a factor. Over time, soils exhibit features that reflect the other forming factors. Soil formation processes are continuous. Recently deposited material, such as the deposition from a flood, exhibits no features from soil development activities. The previous soil surface and underlying horizons become buried. The time clock resets for these soils. Terraces above the active floodplain, while genetically similar to the floodplain, are older land surfaces and exhibit more development features.

    These soil forming factors continue to affect soils even on ';stable'; landscapes. Materials are deposited on their surface, and materials are blown or washed away from the surface. Additions, removals, and alterations are slow or rapid, depending on climate, landscape position, and biological activity.

    When mapping soils, a soil scientist looks for areas with similar soil-forming factors to find similar soils. The colors, texture, structure, and other properties are described. Soils with the same kind of properties are given taxonomic names. A common soil in the Midwest reflects the temperate, humid climate and native prairie vegetation with a thick, nearly black surface layer. This layer is high in organic matter from decomposing grass. It is called a ';mollic epipedon.'; It is one of several types of surface horizons that we call ';epipedons.'; Soils in the desert commonly have an ';ochric'; epipedon that is light colored and low in organic matter. Subsurface horizons also are used in soil classification. Many forested areas have a subsurface horizon with an accumulation of clay called an ';argillic'; horizon.

    As a parent on a budget how do you save extra money for vacations?

    I want to start saving money for a small vacation this summer. What are some good tips to do this. I have noticed that even when putting money into savings, most of it gets switched over to checking at some point so, the banking account doesnt really help us save money. What do you do to save a few hundred dollars for a trip?As a parent on a budget how do you save extra money for vacations?
    With change........make yourself a piggy bank........always pay with cash, so you get coin change back.....when you get home, throw your change in the piggy bank.........You would be surprised at how quickly it adds up........I've saved $100 this month just by doing it!As a parent on a budget how do you save extra money for vacations?
    Try just getting cash out of your account each week and not using your cards. Then when you buy something, always use paper money and not coins. At the end of the day/week put all the coins in a jug or piggy bank. B/c if they are in the savings account, it will get transfered and used to buy other things. this of course depends on how much time you have before your planning on a vacation. But you'd be surprised how fast it actually adds up.
    get a piggy bank and any loose change at all put it in there- i have been dowing this for my son and occasionally putting a dollar or five in there- now that he's almost a year- we have a bout 4 piggy back filled up for him- it may not seem like it but all of that loose change matters, and you never even realize it's there
    Put it in a savings account you can't touch. My bank has special accounts for this purpose. You can add but can't take out. I skimp wherever I can, usually on groceries when I buy in bulk and alternate on weeks what I buy.

    If I want to save for something I'll find a way!

    I've even sold stuff on ebay and let the money sit in my paypal account. Then, once I've collected a few hundred dollars I'll switch it to my bank account.
    open up a holiday account that you can not take money out without you and your partners signatures (that way it becomes to hard and you never touch it)

    Try save money on shopping/phone bills etc and put this money in the account.

    Get the kids on it too..seeing where they can save money ..or they can earn money from you for doing jobs which can go into the savings pool (that way you get two rewards)

    Put up pictures/brochures etc around the house/in your purse of where you want to get too. It helps to keep you motivated and less likely to spend extra money. good luck
    Maybe a savings account like INGDIRECT.COM. the transfer takes about 2 business days so you must really think about if you need that money or not!!! Also, that way you are not able to access it really quick to buy,,,,say,,,, a new sweater!! haha

    We are on a budget too and try hard to save but like you we need it more times then not!!! However, ING does save us from spending ';some';.
    We have a huge jar in the kitchen for spare change, and whenever I find change (or bills) in the laundry it goes in there, and when my husband comes homes and empties his pockets he puts his change in the jar.
    Dont go on holiday in the first place,..if you can't afford it.

    Can a parent file a restraining order against a school bully in Texas?

    A girl in my daughters school has been harassing her for several years now and I am fed up. The school doesn't seem to care and I need to know my legal options to take care of this situation.Can a parent file a restraining order against a school bully in Texas?
    Yes you can! I researched this for youand your answer is on pg 3. Read the whole document to get a better idea of what your school is not doing that they should do for student safty and print this doc. and take it with you to speak to the school officials and the police. Good luck!鈥?/a>Can a parent file a restraining order against a school bully in Texas?
    Talk to an attorney because you might not be able to file a restraining order against a child, but you can file a lawsuit against the school for failing to protect your daughter..
    From what I understand from your limited facts, most likely your child is not eligible for a restraining order (known as a protective order in Texas). Protective orders are generally limited to persons with a family relationship, which I don't believe is present here. More information about protective orders can be found in the link below.鈥?/a>

    Texas also has a dating violence law that another poster mentions. It doesn't seem relevant here. I assume, for the sake of discussion, that your daughter and the bully did not date.

    Have you spoken and written to the school district and the school board yet? Under the Texas Bullying Law, at your request, the board of trustees of a school district or the board's designee must transfer the victim to:

    (1) another classroom at the campus to which the

    victim was assigned at the time the bullying occurred; or

    (2) a campus in the school district other than the

    campus to which the victim was assigned at the time the bullying occurred.

    The Texas Bullying Law can be found in section 25.0341 of the Texas Education Code. A link to the Texas Education Code is below.鈥?/a>

    If your daughter is threatened with any harm, her bully may also be subject to the Texas Stalking Law. More information about the Texas Stalking Law can be found at the link below.鈥?/a>

    My advice to you is to document everything. Keep a journal of all the communications the bully makes to your child, including the time/date of the communication and the type of communication that was made.

    If the school district and the school board does not honor your request for at least an investigation into the bullying, then I suggest you seek legal counsel to discuss your options for recourse.
    yes u can file a restraining order but if they are at school it can only be a small restriction.......
    I would just go into the police department and talk to someone about your options. How terrible that the school is ignoring the issue! Here in michigan the schools have very strict rules about bullying- you dont even want to be suspected of being a bully at the schools here..
    Teach your daughter how to verbally and physically fight. Thats the only way to settle someone down. I had all the girls in my middle school bullying me over the most popular guy in school which happend to be my best freind but girls felt threatned and so I had to stay after school in D hall until the coast was clear. When Mom found out, she beat the crap out of me to teach me a lesson on being a puss-y. The next day (with the blessing of my Mexican mom) I started beating up one by one until they all stopped. Childish..maybe...but they know not to mess with me now.

    p.S. alleys work best where witnesses dont exist.
    Do you want me to ';take care'; of the bully? ;)

    Not a very smart bully, don't a lot of people in TX carry guns? I do!

    Bullies just usally need a good solid punch to the nose to make them re-think who they pick on. It always worked for me, but then kids shoot kids these days. Scary!
    Sounds reasonable. But it won't be on the school to enforce it. It would be a police matter then.
    YOU HAVE NOTIFIED THE SCHOOL, THAT MEANS THE TEACHER AND PRINCABLE. THEY ARE DOING NOTHING. NOW YOU NEED TO CALL THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. IF THEY DO NOTHING THEN YOU NEED TO START TALKING TO A LAWYER. you can then sue the board of education and the bully and his parents. try asking for a meeting with the bullys parents. if that does not work call a lawyer and start suing. good luck.

    Can a parent claim a child as a dependent if that child is married?

    If they are married in July, could the parent still claim them in April?

    Will this effect the status of dependency on the FAFSA?Can a parent claim a child as a dependent if that child is married?
    Either you or the child can claim the deduction,but not both...######Can a parent claim a child as a dependent if that child is married?
    You cannot claim anyone who filed a joint return.
    According to the Internal Revenue Service, and I quote: ';You cannot claim a married person who files a joint return as a dependent unless that joint return is only a claim for refund and there would be no tax liability for either spouse on separate returns';

    Fortunately, that is not a headache any more. Your child and his or her spouse may stick in the software { and you don't need to buy expensive tax software} the filing status of Married filing separately, then the filing status of Married filing jointly. If there is no tax liability either way for your child and your in-law, you may claim your child. For you to claim the exemption, your child AND your in-law would have to give up their exemption since the IRS says ';and there would be no tax liability for either spouse on separate returns';. For federal tax purposes, a marriage means only a legal union between a man and a woman as husband and wife. So if they had a baby, they could be eligible for Child and Dependent care expense credit, the Child Tax Credit and the earned income credit. They would be giving up their exemptions in figuring. They would have to run the software to determine which is best for their family. If you all are close, you could run your software and they run their software to determine how much you all would save on your taxes overall.

    As for FAFSA, your child could not deduct any of his/her tuition. You would get the deduction if you claimed your child as a dependent. If the IRS allows you to claim the exemption for your child, it means the IRS has determined that you provide over 50% of your child's support. They may send you a form to fill out that asks everything - rent paid,utilities, insurance, transportation, even how much you paid for the groceries.

    When you ask: ';...could the parent still claim them in April?'; Do you mean the tax season of January - April? I think you do; it's not crystal clear. Best to you and your family.
    There are some pretty complex rules on claiming a child after they get married - you really need to go to Turbo Tax or another website and answer all of the questions to find out for sure.

    BTW, you claim them for a year, so you would claim them for 2007 - the month is irrelevent. I'm guessing you no longer provide more than 50% of their support, so probably can't claim them.

    Yes, this also impacts FAFSA.
    If the child files a joint return with a spouse, then no the parent can't claim them.

    Otherwise, if they meet all the rules for claiming them if they hadn't gotten married, they still can.

    How does parent-child relationship and interaction with peers affect future adult relationships?

    How can I discuss this? What connects them and their relevance to a future relationship?How does parent-child relationship and interaction with peers affect future adult relationships?
    address the use of applying of past experiences to present problems.How does parent-child relationship and interaction with peers affect future adult relationships?
    Parent-child relationships are typically the first relationship that a child enters into, and so moulds a lot of the child's expectations and interpretations in relation to social interactions. This mould, or initial framework, will then meet a resistance when peer relationships come into play that wasn't there during the parent-child relationship simply because that framework will have physical structure in the brain which will need to be altered and starting from scratch is simply not an option in this case. Whats more, the parent-child framework will determine how initial interactions with peers are interpreted, and so will be in directly in effect during the first phase of peer socialising and indirectly so following this period. Adult relationships are subject to similar resistances, but also the brain has matured at this stage to a point where many expectations and interpretations are nearly impossible to alter and also the brain is predominantly myelinated and so it is difficult for it to adapt and grow due to this physical restraint.

    Monday, December 28, 2009

    What is it like for a parent to watch their child be a parent?

    Subject like says it all. So what is it like for a parent to view their child be a parent?What is it like for a parent to watch their child be a parent?
    One of my children is pregnant now...I worry. Another of my children is a step-parent, but the children are older...not helpless infants.

    I'm certain that they will all be responsible parents, and we all had to learn sometime, it's just hard not to worry.What is it like for a parent to watch their child be a parent?
    If it was my child I would be devastated that she fell pregnant, but then again I would also be over joyed that she has a new life growing in her that she is pregnant.

    I would help her bring up her child %26amp; just be a proud dad %26amp; grandparent.
    I love watching my kids with theirs. It feels good to know that with all the problems we had with our kids that they still grew up to be good people, good parents and with great kids.

    Its the reward you get for doing your job right - grandkids!!
    Depends if its a teen. If it is you feel like crap because you think you should of been able to prevent this. If the kids an adult congrats your a grandparent and should be happy. Sorry if i didnt answer it right im kinda confuse by the question.
  • makeup school
  • Can each parent claim a child as a dependent but in different ways?

    My ex and I both claimed our son on our taxes and we both took different credits. He took the Child tax credit and I took the earned income credit since neither of us used the same credit is this ok?Can each parent claim a child as a dependent but in different ways?
    Only one of you can claim the child. If both of you claimed the child, you will both get letters from IRS. One of you will have to amend the tax return.

    Normally custodial parent can claim the child.

    Read:鈥?/a>Can each parent claim a child as a dependent but in different ways?
    Only one parent can claim the child as a dependent, and that parent gets the child tax credit. But if he lives with you but his other parent claimed him as a dependent, you can still get EIC for him, that isn't claiming him as a dependent, and yes it's OK.
    Yes you are OK.

    Your ex would have claimed the dependency exemption and the child tax credit. You claimed the child for EIC.

    This is allowed for divorced or separated parents, when all other qualifications are met.
    Only 1 person should claim a child as a dependant. What about the standard deduction for dependents? Did you both take that?

    What do you do as a parent that goes against the grain of the current parenting trends?

    No need to be serious. I like silly, yet honest answers.

    Me: I let my daughter rough house with her dad, play with ';boy toys'; and generally be a tom-boy. I basically reject the current trend to make my daughter conform to a very strict ';gender stereotype';. I also chose to go ';old fashion'; and not make my infant use the potty.What do you do as a parent that goes against the grain of the current parenting trends?
    i believe children are children who are people. i believe a 3 year old isnt stupid and comprehends things. i give her chores - pick up your toys, put your dishes away, clean up your room. im anti soda. i believe in giving the opportunity to right your wrongs before a discipline action is taken. books are toys. water cakes wont kill anyone.What do you do as a parent that goes against the grain of the current parenting trends?
    I expect my children, who are 6 and under, to pitch in and help with chores. Current parenting trends dictate that children are too young to do such things and even up to teenage children, that we need to let them be young and play and never have an ounce of responsibility. My children make their own beds (yes, even the 2-year-old), and they clean up after their own messes (within reason), and they even fold their own laundry (the older two who are 6 and 4). Plus setting the table, clearing the table, helping with the dishes and clearing out the dishwasher, and they even help with the weeding outside. I've been criticized by strangers telling me I'm utilizing slave labor when what I believe I'm doing is teaching my children that life includes hard work and responsibility.
    Ha, interesting question! Well, I could say similar with my son! He is 17 months old, he does have plenty of trucks and boys toys as well as unisex toys... but he does also have a pink toy pushchair with a purple doll and a feeding bottle and a teaset, and also a pair of plastic pink barbie shoes that he took a fancy to in a shop! The pushchair and doll is his favourite toy! *waits to be lynched* ;-)

    What do you do instead of the potty, if you don't mind me asking? Go straight to the toilet? How does it work? (Just being nosey - I haven't heard of the 'old fashioned' way and am open to new techniques any day!)

    Oh and I used to formula feed him, and I didn't (and don't) do CIO, both of which I guess goes against modern trends! Although I know CIO is an old fashioned trend too... it's just been given a new fangled name now as has everything! And he wore and wears disposable nappies as opposed to reusables, which is very much the advice now I hear! Oh and he still has his bedtime bottle and dummy - both of which I'm told he should be off by now!
    i believe strongly that kids should have some independence and that we shouldn't be breathing down their necks every second micromanaging their lives. my kids play outside on their own and walk to their friend's houses and have the opportunity to feel bored sometimes and i actually believe all that is doing them a favor.

    i also don't think that kids should be driven to do too much too fast, academically or otherwise, and i'm a vocal advocate in my area for things like preserving an option for half-day kindergarten. and i can tell you i'm swimming against the tide.

    *most thumbs down by definition wins best answer on this, right?
    I let my kids climb on things, jump on the bed, play in the yard alone, and do a lot of things that others would consider ';dangerous.'; I think the current trend in parenting is to be overprotective.

    Also, I potty trained my boys at 18 months, whereas it seems the current trend is more like 3-4 years.
    I feel I am a pretty normal parent.. I try to let my daughters have as much independence as possible, but still provide a firm set of rules and boundaries. I guess one thing I do that a lot of parents don't is let them have more soda pop than they should, I drink it way more than I should and so do they. Another thing, spanking has declined a lot and I still use that and it has been effective for my girls. Other than that I think I am a pretty normal mom with pretty normal kids
    I don't give my 4 yr. old soda, and we eat out more than we should.

    Some people get their kids started on sweets and junk drinks way too early, I'm not one of them.

    As for fast food, yeah, some weeks we may pick up dinner from Mickey D's more than once. But I also make sure to get her chicken nuggets and either yogurt or apples. So just cuz it's 'fast food', doesn't necessarily mean it's unhealthy.

    Also, according to some certain individuals on here, the fact that I formula fed and am not a SAHM are going against current parenting trends.
    I think a lot of parents really ';baby'; their kids. You know, if their toddler falls, it's panic %26amp; rubbing %26amp; massaging %26amp; all that but they have no problem leaving them with neighbors or professional nanny. I am very protective of my children. We've never utilized nannies or babysitters unless it was my husbands mother. We are protective in THAT manner but I also teach my kids that they need to learn to pick themselves up if they fall (both metaphorically %26amp; literally). Mommy will always be their to cheer for them %26amp; to help them by supporting them or giving advice but I won't always be around %26amp; when that happens, I believe in them to brush off obstacles %26amp; try again.
    I think you're right in there with the current parenting trends. I guess I'd call you typical.

    *ETA: I totally read this question wrong. I thought it said ';What do you call a parent that goes against the grain of the cuurent parenting trends?';

    What do I do? Let's see, my son plays with toy guns...that's the only thing I can think of right now.
    i let my 13 month old son listen to country music and he watchs hannah montanna. people always say they should be listening to little kid music and wtahc little kid shows and he watchs some little kid shows but he doesn't like them as much an a half an hour of hannah montanna isn't going to hurt. as for kid music? he ignores it. country he dances to! i'd much rather see my little boy happy, clapping and bouncing to the music then not even paying attention.
    Sort of a serious answer but i know its weird for some parents to accept their kids if they are gay, but I would 100 %. I think people think its weird that I dont care, but i honestly just dont lol doesnt even phase me. I can't say adopting isnt trendy LOL but i still consider it pretty different.
    actually what you described goes with current parenting trends

    old fashioned parenting has your children play according to gender stereotypes and potty trains children much much earlier then the 'they will when they're ready' current trend.
    how would you make an infant use the potty in the first place?

    btw, your parenting is modern and with the current trends.
    I guess it would be that our kids sometimes call us by our first names, and we don't correct them. Some people consider it disrespectful though, and correct our kids on our behalf !! Then we correct them etc .... lol.

    What is it like having parents who are older than the average parent?

    And before you start typing in your smart remarks, I know that parents can't be younger than their kids. This is a serious question, so please go play somewhere else if you don't have anything intelligent to contribute. I want to know what it is like for kids who have older parents. I am 49 with two adult sons, ages 26 and 23. But I also have a daughter who is 18 months old. I will be 65 when she graduates from high school. I would like to hear the pros and cons of the age distance from kids with older parents. This is important to me. Thanks for your serious input.What is it like having parents who are older than the average parent?
    I'm 23, but when my best friend and I were in 8th grade, her mom had a son. During that time, she felt a little jealous of the baby because until then, she had been the youngest. Also, her mom made some decisions that were very different for her boy than the way she raised the girls. Like now, you may have more money to spend on your child than you did with your sons. That's okay and it makes it easier that they were boys and your new one is a girl!

    My friend still watches her little brother, but I think she still feels a little neglected. I think maybe it's best to make sure that you don't treat your other children like they don't matter, or that the newborn is more important. Make time for all of your children, (Newborns obviously need a little more time with mommy than does a 23 year old!)

    If my mom was pregnant, I would be happy and excited for her, but hey, she's my mommy too! Actullly, that would be cool because my husband and I are going to try for children in a little while, so they could play together. Your sons are old enough to talk to you about it if they need to, just keep open communication with them and make sure they get involved with they little one's life! Good luck and I hope this helped a little!

    Oh, and also, not saying that you're old, or out-of-touch, but the world is a very different place now that when your sons were little or when you were little. Be careful not to be too strick, but be aware, things happen to girls at younger and younger ages. I'm sure it will be fine, but always remember that the world changes a lot in 20 years!What is it like having parents who are older than the average parent?
    my mom is 35 but my dad is 59. I'm 13, one sister is 7, (both of us are his) and my half sister is 5 1/2 months (she is not my dads, they are divorced). My dad will be 64 when i graduate, 71 when the seven year old graduates, and 77 when the five 1/2 months graduates. My friends often say stuff about how weird it is for my dad to be so much older then me and my mom. This on guy said ';Oh God, she likes having old things stuck in her!'; i kicked that guy where it hurts. His health does worry me a lot though, because he likes to play outdoors games with us. When i was 5 or 4, he broke his ribs, a few months ago he got some kind of shoulder fraction and still has it, once in a while he'll start coughing really bad because he smokes and drinks beer. It worries me alot, because if something happens to him, my seven year old sister will fall apart and so will I. If he passes away now, i don't know what would happen to me and my two little sisters because my mom works nights ( ( 10:00 p.m. - 7:30 a.m. ) and she is not married or dating right know. This worries me alot and my dad gets upset alot over how i'm acting like a mother to much (cleaning the house, cooking, worrying, etc. ) The age thing bothers me, but i think my dad having me when he was in his late 40's made him a better father. to me and both of my little sisters. When my mom is working at nights, me, my 7 year old sister, and my dad watch the 5 1/2 month old for my mom, also.
    I'm 18 and my father is in his 60's. He's very old fashioned and very strict. A simple hug from a male friend made him tell me, ';What are you doing? Putting on a free show for our neighbors?';

    I was hurt and insulted by really was just a hug and I wasn't hugging the guy back. Just be a little lenient on your daughter.
    I was the only child of a second set of kids by the same parents. I can really only say good things.My father had made it- there was nothing for him to prove, so he really spent time w/ me that my older siblings missed out on.My parents had more patience, more money, more time, and I got the benefit of that. My only regret was that I was 28 when they died %26amp; my children will never know these fantastic people.
    my father is in his mid 50's and I am 16

    Honestly it is hard because he has entered into the stage that he thinks he has lived long enough to know better, but he is not the brightest

    Basically the older you are versus your daughter the bigger the culture shock will be

    but you can look at it as her brothers can help

    nothing like chasing away a No good Boyfriend when you are 60 lol
    Well, I came from a big family and I was the ninth out of ten kids. I never noticed really that they were that much older than other parents until my teens, even then it never bothered me. I had a wonderful relationship with my dad all my life. My mom and I had a little harder time, but I am alot like her. And Dad was 64 when I graduated. Just remember love the little one for who she is, who she is to become... you and she will be fine.
    my ';mom'; is 56 years older than me and she is so much nicer than a younger one she gives me soo much more advice than i no my actual mom my biological mom was 12 years older than me so i got adopted my my new mom she rocks so much

    My parent is seriously injured in a car accident? Can someone help me with answering this question?

    What are common injuries that occur during accidents? What can a driver do to minimize these or avoid them all together? Discuss the types of physical therapy that is used for these situations.

    If you could help with professional-sounding facts that would be helpful.My parent is seriously injured in a car accident? Can someone help me with answering this question?
    These videos are full of useful information regarding the implications of getting into an auto accident. Traumatic brain injury and spinal cord injuries are always a possibility in any car accident, especially if they involve a bigger vehicle. parent is seriously injured in a car accident? Can someone help me with answering this question?
    All good advice, also make sure your headrest is adjusted correctly. Many people have it set to low or to high which can cause injury. I am also a Physical Therapist. We typically start with modalities to ease the pain, begin Range of motion, etc. vary greatly with the symptoms of the person being treated.
    please avoid talking on the phone and driving. as most people know some drivers are lunatics no matter the color of the light always look before u drive at an intersection.

    a god way to recover fast is through rest and sleep don't overdo your exercise and ad also a good hand massage can be good.
    Whiplash. Broken bones. Flying out through a window if you don't wear a seat belt.

    Being hit by objects in the vehicle; ie, purses, beverage containers, packages, etc.

    Strap your purse in the seat belt with you.

    Chiropractic is good for whiplash.
    Neck and back injuries - avoided by not tailgating, not slamming on your breaks, and wearing seat belts.

    Single parent with no dependants and owes the IRS back taxes. How do I resolve this?

    I am a single parent and I have no dependants. I owe the IRS backtaxes. Every year I continue to owe the IRS taxes. Income is about $15,000 a year.Single parent with no dependants and owes the IRS back taxes. How do I resolve this?
    You can have your HR people fill in your W4 to add more $ to be taken out of your check for this purposes.

    Very Odd Situation, double check the W4.Single parent with no dependants and owes the IRS back taxes. How do I resolve this?
    How much are you having withheld out of each paycheck? It seems unusual that you'd have to pay at the end of the year unless you're having almost nothing withheld. What did you put down for your W4?

    Saturday, December 26, 2009

    Parent poll: What do you think about these young girls posting pics of themselves and others on here?

    Frankly, I think it's pretty scary given the number of pedos and other creeps on the internet.Parent poll: What do you think about these young girls posting pics of themselves and others on here?
    yes they really need to be more careful with what they put out there on the websitesParent poll: What do you think about these young girls posting pics of themselves and others on here?
    I think they're stupid children who's parents obviously have not taught them internet safety and followed through with the education.

    Posting a picture of oneself on the internet is not the same as walking out your front door. When you walk out your front door the pedo who lives 2 states over can't see you.
    I just think it's utterly sad, and rather stupid.

    Like you say, there are too many freaks on line for it to be safe, and it's a shame these young girls only validate themselves by their appearance...
    It doesn't matter. What matters is if they post where they live or give out their numbers.

    Posting their pictures has the same effect as you walking outside and being seen by a bunch of strangers.
    Totally agree with you,some parental control needed or better still Yahoo should take some responsibility and stop it.

    Oh goody this should piss off a few more morons out there.
    I don't think those parents are around to answer the poll! Otherwise, the wouldn't (hopefully) be doing it!
    I don't think they realize that this site is not just limited to Yahoo users as I have seen several questions from here appear on many different sites and blogs.
    I think they need to get their pictures off the computer. Especially when the girls ask all of Y!A to rate them. This is why our computer stays in the main room.
    I think the way girls look for attention will get them the wrong men! You are so right!
    I think it worries me more when they ask to be rated or if they are pretty.....
    It's no different to going outside every day. No i'm not a parent...
    I will kick my daughter's azz from here to China if I catch her doing it.
    i agree with u
    i look for the thrill of talking to rapists
  • makeup school
  • What happens if a parent sells a home to a child and the debt never gets paid off? Like if the parent dies?

    What if the parent agrees to allowing the child to pay what they want, but assume full ownership of the home? And the debt is not fully paid off? This would be a private debt not involving a bank.What happens if a parent sells a home to a child and the debt never gets paid off? Like if the parent dies?
    The debt would then be paid to the estate of the mother, and distributed to the beneficiaries of her will.What happens if a parent sells a home to a child and the debt never gets paid off? Like if the parent dies?
    well being that the own the home it would depend if they put the lien (mortgage) on title, if it is on title, and there is no one to collect it, how would you have to pay it,

    however if your parents keep the house titled in their name and they die without a will (trust preferrably) you could be sol

    I used ';Credit Solution'; to settle my debt and improve my credit score.They managed to reduce my debt up to 58% .It's legitimate.I came across this company on NBC News Special Edition.Check it out here:

    Why are people required to take parenting classes before they become a foster parent, but not a blood parent?

    Why is it that the law requires people to take parenting classes before they become a foster parent, but..

    When a couple is expecting a biological child, the law doesn't require them to take any classes.

    That sounds one-sided to me; shouldn't all soon-to-be-parents be held to the same standards?Why are people required to take parenting classes before they become a foster parent, but not a blood parent?
    There is a fundamental right to have children (assuming you are biologically able to do so), just as there is a fundamental right to marry. There is no fundamental right to adopt, so reasonable standards and procedures may be implemented by the state.Why are people required to take parenting classes before they become a foster parent, but not a blood parent?
    i would just like to start by saying i was a foster child %26amp; now i am working through the steps to become a foster parent. the reasons why we must go through this is bc each child that comes through the state has so many different issues, that we might not understand bc we havent been around them

    Report Abuse

    I think it would be great if a person had to take a class before they could be a natural parent as well. Their are way too many people walking around calling themselves a ';Parent'; that do no actual parenting. It seems alot of people that are natural parents should be fired from the job.

    Report Abuse

    Unfortunately this is the case. Civil libertarians would scream if such a concept was proposed, but in truth it is any damn fool who can create a child. Any dull witted drone can become a parent, while the state wants saints only. This is because the state needs some backup to lean on when a child is abused or hurt by a foster parent, so they can say, ';We tried to screen these people before entrusting the child to them....'; Giving them excuses when they do place a child into an abusive situation.

    Birth parents however can keep getting pregnant even AFTER they abuse a child. Mandatory sterilization should happen for any man or woman who abuses an innocent child.
    i'm assuming u mean adopting parents? apparently only adopting parents can molest their kids. seriously, i agree that it is a double standard but i think the false logic behind it is that they want less people ';pulling a woody allen'; if you will. (people who want to raise their own spouse and marry them. and you can't marry blood relatives). but yeah if you are talking about foster parents, it's usually because sadly, the kids/teens have been abused and the state/whoever doesn't want those being fostered exposed to the same, if not worse, abuse.

    on a side note, i think those who have served in the military should take parenting classes. you do not raise a kid the same way you train a soldier. (my dad was in the military) every military parent i have met has always been too strict/overbearing. lots of yelling/verbal abuse. trying to militarize the child rather than parent them.
    No because a foster parent is a ';temporary parent'; while a blood parent is a permnant parent. Adoptions rules are more stricter than just having your own kid. Nope unless they abuse their blood child then you have to get a court order for that.
    Biology does not stand aside for legalities, unfortunately.

    It would be great if there were some kind of lessons, but then you get into the problem of who does the teaching and what gets taught. There are a lot of sticky issues involved.
    You can stop the foster parent thing. You can't stop the blood parent thing except through forced abortion.
    love is more natural with your own flesh....govt is being careful....not much required to marry either compared to driving..

    Can the custodial parent determine who the child sees during the non-custodial parents time?

    The custodial parent in this case does not want the child to be around or see the non-custodial parents brother. This is not an issue of abuse, drugs or well anything of any negative nature. It is the fact that the custodial parent just simply does not like the brother. The custodial parent is now refusing to give up the children on the scheduled times to the non-custodial parent unless they do not see the brother. I am 100% certain he can not do this, agree?Can the custodial parent determine who the child sees during the non-custodial parents time?

    The custodial parent will be taken to court and will be forced to give up the kids on the scheduled times.

    During those times, the other parent can do anything with anyone with the kids and the custodial can't say anything unless there's abuse, etc.Can the custodial parent determine who the child sees during the non-custodial parents time?
    not unless its in the divorce degree

    Can the parents or parent get into any legal trouble if their child runs away?

    First off no im not planning on running away nor is anyone I know. I was simply curious because I don't see how they can unless the child was forced out the home or living in a terrible environment(getting sexually abused and such). So can the parents get into trouble with the police or charged with anything if their child free willingly runs away? And if so what type of legal actions take place for the parents not the child.Can the parents or parent get into any legal trouble if their child runs away?
    no unless the parent/parents did something to cause it like abuse ect.Can the parents or parent get into any legal trouble if their child runs away?
    Yes, Because I ran away.

    My parents got up me, because they said if, nobody had found me and they had to call the police, I'd be taken off of them. Because I ran away, and if I liked that family, I would of stayed there. So they'd see something as unfit.

    I'm Australian, so my rules probably differ to yours.

    first they have to report the child missing

    if they dont that can b taken as neglect

    plus the police will ask the parents alot of queastions

    they will inspect the home to make sure the child wasnt abused

    and will make sure the child was being like fed and stuff like that

    so its more like ';legal attention'; than trouble
    If the parents do not report the child missing, they will get into legal trouble, it could result in a child abuse/neglect charge or a child endangerment charge. If a child continuously runs away, the family is likely to be investigated by children's services.
    I think it all depends on the state that you live in I know in CT that if you have over 16 its not a big deal but if the child is under 16 you are spouse to call and report that your child ran away.
    i hope not


    Ok, I'm 16, and all my mom ever does is nag. Even when I do what she says, she'll come home from work and she says ';why didnt you cook me dinner'; or ';why didnt you mow the lawn'; and she does it almost everyday. How can I deal with her constant nagging?Parent?????
    unfortunately Sunshine your just going to have to suck it up and do as your told. Your Mother has got ya until your 17-18 yrs. old. Pretend it's like your paying for room and board by doing chores. You'll live, a little hard work never hurt anybody. And owe her that much.